We are committed to be a place of worship that Jesus would approve of. As followers of Jesus, nothing is more important than worshipping, loving, and trusting in Him. Living life as predicated by the Holy Bible, which we consider to be “the holy”, infallible word of God. We endeavor to create a positive environment that is friendly, hospitable, and provides individuals and families the resources to grow and become loving, fulfilled, and caring members of the greater surrounding area we live in.
Families, individuals, and teens are all welcome!
(Click the link below for our live service.)
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Learn More

About Living Faith Bible Church
Living Faith Bible Church is a community church located in a central location to the Mohawk and Sauquoit valleys. We are located at the corner of Oneida St. and Pinnacle Rd. in Sauquoit, N.Y. We ... [More...]

Our Pastor
But, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head-Christ. ~ Bible Verse: Eph. 4:15 Ephesians 4:15 is quickly becoming my life verse. The longer I ... [More...]

What We Believe
About Our Lord Our Statement of Faith We believe: (A) The Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired Word of God, without error in the original writings, the complete ... [More...]

1. What time are services held on Sunday? 10:30 AM 2. How long does worship last? Varies, depending on what we are celebrating and whether there is Communion, special programs, usually nothing ... [More...]

Events & News
GOOD WORKS MINISTRY ALL are welcome. Every 1st and 3rd Mondays from 1-3 PM at Living Faith Bible Church's Lounge. Enjoy fellowship while knitting, crocheting, or creating personal projects or gifts ... [More...]

Worship Times
Sunday Worship is at 10:30 AM. Children's Church begins following praise and worship portion of service. Adult Bible study is at 9:45 AM Sunday morning the church and for the needs of ... [More...]

Christian Education
Junior Church (Grades K-5) Sunday 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM. Teachers appointed by Christian Ed Coordinator. Classes are Biblically based and intended for Kindergarten through fifth grade ... [More...]

Sunday Morning Bible Study
We call ourselves a Bible Church because we are all about the B I B L E. We Believe and Trust that The God of all Creation is the Author of the most wonderful book ever written. Are you Curious ... [More...]
Living Faith Blogs and Podcasts

Women’s Seminar
“Being a sweet aroma or the stench of sin” When: Saturday, April 24th Where: Living Faith Bible Church 2922 Oneida St Sauquoit 13456 Time: 11 am/ luncheon to follow Speaker 1 Laurie ... [More...]

Announcing Our Live Broadcast!
We are now broadcasting live every Sunday at LFBC at 10:30 AM. For those who don't wish to venture out or are still concerned about the virus, you can watch us live from your living room. Update: ... [More...]
Join Us Live Worldwide!
Join us by video from the comfort of your own home, every Sunday at 10:30 am.
Living Faith Bible Church
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Intercessory Prayers
Prayers for Erika and DionFor Jolene, narrowing neck & back discs, stenosis, scoliosis, arthritis in her shoulder.For Louise Wilson – healing from pain caused by shingles and for BillPrayers for DottiePrayers for SharonFor Ethan, for healing from autism.For Don Rawls, for his breathing and heart problems, that they get better!
All the men and women of our Armed Forces faithfully serving today.
Pray that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Pray that God will qualify those who love Him to be confident ambassadors.
Pray for whom ever the Holy Spirit places in your heart and mind.
Keep your mind, body, soul and spirit in line with prayers to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
For ALL Missions and Missionaries, especially —
Tom Stiles’ Ministry, CMA, Zac Povec and Family, Bryan and Kim Gregory Family Ministries, New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, Bob Bennett AWANA in NE US, Al Vescera, Voice of Martyrs, Uganda Kids, Utica Rescue Mission, Mindy Miner, Gideons Ministry, Bernie and Sherry Pierce, Liberty Baptist Fellowship, Carenet Center.
Our President, that God will accomplish His will through him!
Praise You, LORD, for all our visitors. Help them find Your LOVE!
Thank You, Jesus, for working out our problems in such perfect detail that it is VERY obviously YOUR plan! We LOVE how You love us, in the big things and small (in our eyes)! And give us strength through persecution from our own families. Help ALL of us our Your WORD into our hearts and unsaved loved ones, that they find the Love of God.
1. I have not the least doubt because I am assured that it is the Lord’s will to save them, for He wills that all men should be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (I Tim. 2:4); and we have the assurance ‘that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us’ (I John 5:14).
2. I have never pleaded for their salvation in my own name, but in the blessed name of my precious Lord Jesus, and on His merits alone (John 1:14).
3. I always firmly believed in the willingness of God to hear my prayers (Mark 11:24).
4. I am not conscious of having yielded to any sin, for ‘if I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me’ (Ps. 66:18) when I call.
5. I have persevered in believing prayer for more than fifty-two years for some, and will continue until the answer comes: ‘Shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him?’ (Luke 18:7).